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2015The Use Of Flash Cards To Improve The English Language Vocabulary Of The Students Of Third Year Of Basic Education At 24 De Mayo School, Academic Period 2013- 2014Celi Jaramillo, Karina Alexandra; Sozoranga Martinez, Yadira Elizabeth
2015The use of flash cards to improve the vocabulary of the english language among the 1st year students of bachillerato, in parallel E at Adolfo Valarezo high school, academic year 2013-2014Sarmiento Bustamante, Elizabeth María; Solano Villalta, Ximena Soledad
2015The use of flashcards as didactic material to improve the english vocabulary among 7th year students of basic education, in parallel “A” at “Teniente Hugo Ortiz” school, during the school year 2013-2014Rodríguez Ludeña, María Patricia; Hidalgo Carrión, Pablo Leonardo
2015The use of flashcards to improve the english vocabulary among 5th year students in parallel B at Miguel Riofrío n°1 school, academic period 2013- 2014Celi Jaramillo, Karina Alexandra; Torres Torres, Rosa Ines
2015The use of games for improving the speaking skill of the english language with 6th year students of basic education in parallel C at Zoila Alvarado de Jaramillo school, academic period 2013-2014Sarmiento Bustamante, Elizabeth María; Agila Salazar, Javier Mauricio
2019The use of games to enrich the learning of english language vocabulary among ninthgrade students at unidad educativa José ángel Palacio in the city of Loja during the 2018-2019 school yearDavila Vega, Carmen Enith; Correa Criollo, Pablo Israel
2015The use of games to improve vocabulary of the english language with 7th year students in parallel B at Pompilio Reinoso Jaramillo public school, academic year 2013-2014Reyes Velez, Maria Augusta; Solano Solano, Carmen Marlene
2021The use of guided writing strategy to improve writing skills among students of ninth year “j” basic general education afternoon session, at colegio de bachillerato “Beatriz Cueva de Ayora”, in the city of loja during the 2020-2021 academic periodRodríguez Ludeña, María Patricia; Troya Salinas, Jackson Fernando
2015The use of lead-in activities to improve the speaking skill with 10th year sudents at José Ingenieros n° 1 public school, academic period 2013-2014Sarmiento Bustamante, Elizabeth María; Ordoñez Silva, Diego Fernando
2015The use of music videos to improve the listening skill among ninth year students at Hernan Gallardo Moscoso high school, academic period 2013-2014Moreno Ordoñez, Rosa Paola; Sanchez Montaño, Veronica Gabriela
2016The use of picture dictionary to improve vocabulary of 5th year students, at unidad educative Marietta de Veintimilla of Loja city, during the academic period 2014-2015Dávila Vega, Carmen Enith; Castillo Quezada, Maria Elizabeth
2015The use of role play for improving the speaking skill of the english language among 10th year students at Adolfo Jurado González public school, academic period 2013-2014Celi Jaramillo, Gabriela Stephania; Hurtado Vargas, Gabriela Estefania
21-sep-2021The use of scaffolding strategies to improve reading aspects among students of tenth year of educación general básica morning session, at unidad educativa comunitaria intercultural bilingüe guardiana de la lengua y saberes “tupak yupanki”, in the canton of Saraguro, province of Loja during 2020-2021 school year.Rodríguez Ludeña, María Patricia; González Poma, Cristian Alvino
2016The use of self-assessment checklists as a tool to improve the listening skill with 1st year students of bachillerato, at Pío Jaramillo Alvarado” experimental high school in Loja city, during the academic year 2014 – 2015Dávila Vega, Carmen Enith; Puglla Coral, Katherine Yesenia
2016The use of songs to increase listening skill among 6th year students at Dorotea Carrion” public school, during the academic period 2013 – 2014Castillo Cuesta, Edgar Mariano; Collaguazo Narvaez, Jenny Lorena
2015The use of songs to increase the learning of the english vocabulary among seventh year students, in parallel A at Pompilio Reinoso Jaramillo educational center, during the school year 2013-2014Rodríguez Ludeña, María Patricia; Elizalde Rojas, Andrea Stefania
2014The use of spanish language in the teachinglearning process of the english language with the students of the bachillerato level at “unidad educativa anexa a la Universidad Nacional de Loja”, academic year 2012 – 2013Samaniego Idrovo, Eva Margarita; Ruiz Quizhpe, Paola Lorena
2015The use of the mother tongue in the english language classroom with students of 2nd and 3rd years of bachillerato, at tecnico fiscal mixto 27 de Febrero high school. Academic year 2012-2013Dávila Vega, Carmen Enith; Encalada Tacuri, Paola Alexandra
2015The use of videos to improve english vocabulary among 6th year students, in parallel A at Dr. Daniel Rodas Bustamante” school, during the academic period 2013 – 2014Sarmiento Bustamante, Elizabeth Maria; Vicente Guerrero, Rodrigo Francisco
2016The vocabulary quilt as a cooperative learning strategy to develop writing skills amongst ninth year of basic education studentsat Pio Jaramillo high school. 2014-2015 academic periodTroya Sánchez, Miriam Eucevia; Malacatus Calva, Rosa Jaqueli