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Resultados 1-10 de 21.
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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2015Using pictures to improve vocabulary learning in the english language with students of 6th and 7th years of basic education at “José Rafael Arízaga Vega” school. Academic year 2013-2014González Zúñiga, Rosa Virginia; Quezada Quezada, Gina Micaela
2015Motivational factors that influence in the english language learning with the students at “Técnico Agropecuario Gonzanamá” high school. Academic year 2012-2013Moreno Ordónez, Rosa Paola; Camacho Camacho, Angélica María
2018The development of the grammatical competence through direct corrective feedback among ninth-year a students at La Dolorosa high school of the city of Loja during the 2016-2017 school yearRodríguez Ludeña, María Patricia; Montaño Ordóñez, Deice Natali
2018The development of the grammatical competence through direct corrective feedback among ninth-year students at unidad educativa Emiliano Ortega Espinoza of the city of Catamayo during the 2016-2017 school yearOjeda Pardo, Carmen Aurora; Ruiz Armijos, Jenny Susana
2014The methodological competences of the english language teaching of the students of 4th year of the english language department at Universidad Nacional de Loja, academic period 2012 - 2013Moreno Ordoñez, Rosa Paola; Guaillas Gualán, Gloria Mercedes
2014Strategies of cooperative learning and the development of writing and speaking skills with the students of 9th years of general basic education at “unidad educativa anexa a la Universidad Nacional de Loja”. Academic year 2012-2013Dávila Vega, Carmen Enith; Jiménez Luzuriaga, Bety Judith
2014English teaching techniques and their influence on the development of reading skills and writing production, among students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of high school at ―unidad educativa Gonzanamá‖ night session. Academic period 2013 – 2014Samaniego Idrovo, Eva Margarita; Vásquez Rodríguez, Edson Isaac
2016Desarrollo de un software educativo como apoyo al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en los alumnos del quinto año de educación general básica en la asignatura de inglés de la escuela José Ingenieros n˚ 2, de la ciudad de Loja. Periodo 2012 – 2013Maldonado Córdova, César Alejandro; Pizarro Jaya, Ruth Isabel
2015Métodos, técnicas y procedimientos de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés y su relación en el desarrollo de destrezas con criterio de desempeño de los estudiantes de octavo, noveno y décimo año de educación básica del colegio fiscomisional “Vicente Anda Aguirre de la ciudad de Loja”, período 2010 – 2011Merino Alberca, Wilman Vicente; González Sarango, Diana del Cisne
2020Communicative language teaching activities to improve speaking skills among students of tenth grade “a” of basic education, afternoon session at unidad educativa Dr. Manuel Agustín Cabrera Lozano, in the city of Loja during the 2018-2019 school yearCriollo Vargas, Marcia Iliana; Moncada Moncada, Sara Helen