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Título : Riesgos Psicosociales y el desempeño del personal de la distribuidora “AVIMOP” de la ciudad de Ambato, en la actualidad.
Autor : Alcívar Mieles, Katiuska Lissette
Banda Acevedo, Kelly Arlet
Palabras clave : TRABAJO SOCIAL
Fecha de publicación : 15-oct-2024
Editorial : Universidad Nacional de Loja
Resumen : Este trabajo de investigación se centra en la interesante relación que puede existir entre los riesgos psicosociales y la productividad laboral en la empresa de distribución moderna “AVIMOP”, del centro de Ambato. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema del estrés, la alta carga de trabajo, la baja autonomía y el conflicto de roles con su efecto sobre la productividad de los empleados. Se realizaron encuestas a los trabajadores y entrevistas a expertos del sector para recopilar información de primera mano. Los hallazgos describen una dualidad muy interesante. Por un lado, los trabajadores de AVIMOP se sienten satisfechos con sus trabajos, encantados y realizados, lo que significa que la empresa ha sentado buenas bases para su entusiasmo profesional en el trabajo.
Descripción : The present study focused on analyzing the complex relationship between psychosocial risks and work performance in the distribution company "AVIMOP", located in the city of Ambato. In order to understand how factors such as stress, excessive workload, lack of autonomy and the presence of conflicting demands can affect workers' performance, a mixed methodology was implemented that combined the review of relevant literature with primary data collection through employee surveys and interviews with experts in the field. The results of the research revealed an interesting duality. On the one hand, a mostly positive perception of job satisfaction was observed among AVIMOP employees, who in general feel motivated, valued and find meaning in their work. This suggests that the company has managed to establish a solid foundation in terms of creating a work environment that fosters the commitment and motivation of its staff. However, the study also brought to light significant challenges in relation to working conditions. A significant proportion of employees reported experiencing a high workload, a fast pace of work, a lack of influence in decision-making and the presence of conflicting demands in their day-to-day work. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the crucial importance of addressing psychosocial risks in AVIMOP's work environment to ensure not only the well- being of its employees, but also the productivity and sustained success of the company.
URI : https://dspace.unl.edu.ec/jspui/handle/123456789/30850
Aparece en las colecciones: UED

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