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dc.contributor.advisorOchoa Granda, Edwin Geovanni-
dc.contributor.authorBarreto Zapata, Juan Daniel-
dc.descriptionThe present work of curricular integration was developed at the National University of Loja (Universidad Nacional del Loja) with the objective of implementing a program of basic skills for the multilateral development with 8- to 9-year-old children. A combined focus and a quasi-experimental design of a correlational type were applied, with the support of inductive, deductive and scientific methods. Additionally, some instruments such as observation sheets, tests and a sample of 15 children were used in this research. According to the obtained results in the pre-test, it was evidenced that within the locomotive skills, 9% of the children were in a low level, 49% in a regular level and 42% in a good level. Regarding to the non-locomotive skills the results show that 20% of the sample belonged to a low level, 69% to a regular level and 11% to a good level. Finally, it was found that with regard to the handling skills, 27% of the children were in a low level, 70% in a regular level and 3% were in a good level. With basis on these results, it was designed a proposal considering the basic motor skills, during 10 weeks, with recreational, physical and motor activities; and in the end it was applied a post-test; which demonstrated that within the locomotive skills, 17% of the children had a regular level, 66% a good level and 17% had an excellent level. The results with regard to non-locomotive skills were similar: 17% of the sample had a regular level, 66% a good level and 17% had an excellent level; and with respect to the handling skills, 20% of the children were in a regular level, 60% in a good level and 20% were in an excellent level. Therefore, positive changes were obtained in each motor skill, concluding that before the application of the proposal there were regular levels in the basic motor skills and absence of them, but then in the post-test, it was showed the improvement of these abilities, demonstrating in this way the effectiveness of the proposal of the basic motor skills for the multilateral development. Keywords: Basic motor skills, multilateral development, sports training school, coordinative and recreational activitieses_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de integración curricular fue desarrollado en la Universidad Nacional de Loja, con el objetivo implementar un programa de habilidades motrices básicas para el desarrollo multilateral con niños de 8 a 9 años, se utilizó un enfoque mixto, diseño cuasi- experimental y de tipo correlacional, apoyándose de métodos inductivos, deductivos y científicos, se aplicó instrumentos como: ficha de observación y test; una muestra de 15 niños. Según los resultados obtenidos en el pre-test, se evidencia en las habilidades locomotrices que un 9% se encuentran en nivel bajo, el 49% regular y el 42% bueno, en las habilidades no locomotrices muestran el 20% en nivel bajo, 69% regular y el 11% bueno, en las habilidades de manipulación tenemos el 27% en nivel bajo, el 70% regular y el 3% bueno. En base a estos resultados se diseñó y se aplicó una propuesta basada en las habilidades motrices básicas, durante 10 semanas con actividades lúdicas, física y motrices; al final se aplicó el post-test, se evidencia en las habilidades locomotrices que un 17% se encuentran en nivel regular, el 66% bueno y el 17% excelente, las habilidades no locomotrices muestran el 17% en nivel regular, 66% bueno y el 17% excelente, en las habilidades de manipulación tenemos el 20% en nivel regular, el 60% bueno y el 20% excelente. Por lo tanto, se obtuvieron cambios positivos en cada una de las habilidades motrices; por ello, se concluye que antes de la aplicación de la propuesta existían niveles regulares en las habilidades motrices básicas y carencia de destrezas, luego en el post-test se muestra mejoramiento de estas habilidades, demostrando así la efectividad de la propuesta de las habilidades motrices básicas para el desarrollo multilateral. Palabras clave: Habilidades motrices básicas, desarrollo multilateral, Escuela de Formación Deportiva, actividades coordinativas y lúdicas.es_ES
dc.format.extent77 p.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional de Lojaes_ES
dc.titleLas habilidades motrices básicas para el desarrollo multilateral con niños de 8 a 9 años, en la escuela de formación Deportiva de la Universidad Nacional de Loja, 2023.es_ES
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