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dc.contributor.advisorJomarron Moreira, Licet-
dc.contributor.authorCuenca Gaona, Gabriela del Rocío-
dc.descriptionThe school adaptation process is a fundamental process for the inclusion of children in the educational context, on this basis the objective of this investigation is to determine how the post pandemic Covid-19 influences in the school adaptation of children from 4 to 5 years old, belonging to the “Unidad Educativa Particular La Porciuncula” high School of the Loja`s city; the sample consisted of 18 students of initial level, 6 teachers of level and 18 representatives of the students; this investigation is protected in the socio-critical paradigm with a mixed approach and correlational scope; in its development were used the theoretical and practical methods, as a reference in the first were used the synthetic analytical, deductive inductive and structural systemic methods for the construction of the epistemological referents, and in relation with to the seconds, was implemented a teacher observation sheet in the classroom to have an evidence about the child behavior during the school period adaptation; a survey was also applied to parents to triangulate the data collected through observation and a structured interview for teachers to know how they face this period in the classroom to know how they face this period in the classroom. Through this research it has been established that school adaptation in post-pandemic conditions is characterized by the deterioration in the emotional wellbeing of children that has generated changes in their behavior and personality. For the transformation of the study objective, it has been designed an action plan with the objective of improving the process of adaptation in children of the initial level of this institution before mentioned, this was the practical contribution of the present research.es_ES
dc.description.abstractAdaptación escolar y su relación con la post pandemia covid-19 en niños de 4 a 5 años, de la unidad educativa particular “la porciúncula”, de la ciudad de Loja, 2023es_ES
dc.format.extent96 p.es_ES
dc.subjectNIVEL INICIALes_ES
dc.titleAdaptación escolar y su relación con la post pandemia covid-19 en niños de 4 a 5 años, de la unidad educativa particular “la porciúncula”, de la ciudad de Loja, 2023es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestrias FEAC

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