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dc.contributor.advisorPardo Frías, Verónica Fernanda-
dc.contributor.authorRamírez Sánchez, Franco José-
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Puchaicela, Jinsop Manolo-
dc.descriptionThe National University of Loja (UNL) together with the National Council of Higher Education (CONESUP), being implemented since 2006, the research project called "Inserting and job performance of graduates of the National University of Loja, in the period 1994-2009, as a criterion of the quality of vocational training ", this project is currently monitored by the monitoring system graduates (SISEG), it is proposed to generate concerning the UNL, perform follow-up studies graduates, perspective in improving higher education and as part of the process of social accountability. This study entitled: "Inserting and job performance of graduates of the School of Music at the National University of Loja, in the period 1994-2009, as a criterion of the quality of vocational training. Graduates Perspective ", is part of this institutional project, and has three main objectives 1) to characterize the general features of the graduates of the Music career at UNL, 2) establish student performance, perceptions of graduates on college and career given; and their current level of training, 3) document on the employability of graduates: levels, mechanisms and requirements of the labor market, the trajectory and current employment status of graduates, the employment level in work related to the scope of their training, as well as, job opportunities, 4) determine the perceptions of graduates and employers in relation to correspondence between the training received in the race (professional profile) and the real demands knowledge, skills and attitudes for the exercise of the profession as well as the main strengths, weaknesses and gaps in training, and 5) finally identify training requirements and / or updating of the graduates. For project implementation methodology was used in the project provided institutional reference. A questionnaire was administered to 49, located between the graduates, which spanned the variables related to the insertion and job performance and educational factors, although it included some questions relating to personal and family factors. The results indicate, among the most relevant: 58.33% of the graduates surveyed are men. Of the total study population, 81.25% report that the training they received in the race was good, very good and excellent 12.50%. The 45.83% perceived that the UNL as an institution of higher education is very good and 41.61% good. The 61.22% have studied post-graduation. The works currently 97.92%, 47.92% of these are the career-related jobs. Most felt that the current job opportunities and in the medium term are slim. Comparing knowledge. Skills and attitudes that provides the race, with those required for their current job, is that the demands of work are greater. Also it was found that the main strengths of the training is practical and instrumental performance (piano), music reading, knowledge and instrumental technique, music theory, and music education educational planning and harmonization, are detected weaknesses in research, aesthetics, musical teaching, motivation for musical projects, lack of infrastructure, harmonization of melodies, chamber music, musical forms, national repertoire, methodology, while the most significant gaps are: main instrument (piano), chamber music, national repertoire, teaching practices, percussion workshops, statistical, instrumental literature, didactic musical, opera singing, rhythmic and melodic dictation, vocal music techniques. Most graduates are interested in updating their knowledge, especially in music pedagogy, arrangements and composition, main instrument mastery, conducting, educational psychology, computer science, theory and history of music, popular song, sound engineering, PhD in guitar and educational research.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa Universidad Nacional de Loja (UNL) conjuntamente con el Consejo Nacional de Educación Superior (CONESUP), vienen ejecutando, desde el 2006, el proyecto de investigación denominado “Inserción y Desempeño Laboral de los graduados de la Universidad Nacional de Loja, en el periodo 1994-2009, como criterio de la calidad de la formación profesional”, actualmente este proyecto esta monitoreado por el SISTEMA DE SEGUIMIENTO A GRADUADOS (SISEG), el mismo que se propone generar referentes para que la UNL, realice estudios de seguimiento a graduados, en la perspectiva del mejoramiento de la educación superior y como parte del proceso de rendición social de cuentas. El presente estudio denominado: “Inserción y desempeño laboral de los graduados de la Carrera de Música de la Universidad Nacional de Loja, en el periodo 1994-2009, como criterio de la calidad de la formación profesional. Perspectiva de los Titulados y Empleadores”, es parte de este proyecto institucional, y se plantea como objetivo principal: Aportar al conocimiento de la inserción y desempeño laboral de los graduados de la UNL, del periodo 1994-2009. Para la ejecución del proyecto se recurrió a la metodología prevista en el proyecto institucional en referencia. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 48, entre los graduados localizados, el cual abarco las variables relacionadas con la inserción y desempeño laboral y factores educativos, aunque se incluyeron algunas preguntas en relación a los factores personales y familiares. Los resultados permiten establecer, que entre los datos más relevantes la mayor parte de graduados están muy conformes con la formación que recibieron en la carrera, de la misma forma casi en la totalidad de graduados se encuentran laborando en actividades relacionadas a su profesión, de la misma forma consideran que la carrera les brindo los conocimientos, actitudes, destrezas y habilidades necesarias para desempeñar con éxito sus actividades laborales. Existe un alto grado de graduados que desean seguir formándose académicamente, para lo cual es necesario crear niveles superiores de instrucción, con esto satisfacer la necesidad de los titulados en estudios de cuarto nivel.es_ES
dc.format.extent221 p.es_ES
dc.titleInserción y desempeño laboral de los graduados de la carrera de música de la Universidad Nacional de Loja, en el periodo 1994- 2009. Perspectiva de graduados y empleadoreses_ES
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