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Título : Proyecto de Factibilidad para la creación de una Empresa Productora y Comercializadora de empanadas de harina de trigo con rellenos dulces en la Ciudad de Loja
Autor : Ludeña Yaguache, Santiago Javier
Chalán Gualán, Mayra Patricia
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial : Loja, 26 de abril
Resumen : La tendencia hacia el consumo de alimentos nutricionales evoca un nuevo estilo de vida. La rutina diaria busca flexibilidad en nuestra alimentación, sin dejar de cuidar nuestra salud. Es por ello que en el mercado tanto de alimentos como de bebidas está en constante búsqueda de productos que logren satisfacer la necesidad además el deseo creado por cada uno de los consumidores. Siguiendo la tendencia y dando respuesta a la búsqueda presentamos un alimento nutricional y tradicional conocida por la mayoría de los ecuatorianos, “las empanadas” la cual es elaborada a base de harina de trigo con relleno dulce. El valor agregado en este producto es la mermelada, ya que por lo general las personas no lo consumen, de esta manera se utilizara las mermeladas de diferentes sabores como una de las materias primas, para la elaboración de empanadas y utilizando un envase de alta calidad que preserve sus condiciones y sus nutrientes. Con este proyecto de investigación buscamos introducir al mercado lojano y ecuatoriano un producto nuevo denominado “PANADERIA EMDULCEMAY” para de esta manera ofrecer un alimento nutricional que llene todas sus expectativas con un enfoque moderno e innovador. El presente proyecto lleva por nombre, “PROYECTO DE FACTIBILIDAD PARA LA CREACIÓN DE UNA EMPRESA PRODUCTORA Y COMERCIALIZADORA DE EMPANADAS DE HARINA DE TRIGO CON RELLENOS DULCES EN LA CIUDAD DE LOJA”, el mismo que es de tipo exploratoria – descriptiva, se inicia a partir de una metodología que incluye información primaria y secundaria, estableciendo como métodos principales: el inductivo y deductivo, así como 2 técnicas principales la, entrevista y encuesta. Para determinar la factibilidad del proyecto, se realizó el correspondiente estudio de mercado, tamaño y localización, ingeniería del proyecto, la organización de la empresa y la evaluación financiera. Se inició desarrollando un estudio de mercado, obteniendo resultados iniciales y parciales que permitieron obtener pronósticos posteriores de demanda
Descripción : The trend towards consumption of nutritional foods evokes a new lifestyle. The daily routine seeks flexibility in our diet, while protecting our health. That is why the market in both food and drink is constantly looking for products that manage to meet the need also the desire created by each consumer. Following the trend and responding to search and present a nutritional traditional food known by most Ecuadorians, "empanadas" which is produced from wheat flour with sweet filling. The added value in this product is the jam, because usually people do not consume, so the jams of different flavors as one of the raw materials for making pies and using a high quality packaging is used that preserves its conditions and nutrients. With this research project we seek to introduce Lojano and Ecuadorian market a new product called "PANADERIA EMDULCEMAY" to thereby provide a nutritional food that meets all your expectations with a modern and innovative approach. This project is called "PROJECT FEASIBILITY FOR THE CREATION OF A PRODUCER AND DISTRIBUTOR OF PIES WHEAT FLOUR COMPANY WITH STUFFED SWEET IN THE CITY OF LOJA", the same that is exploratory type - descriptive, it starts from a methodology that includes primary and secondary information, setting as main methods: deductive and inductive as well as 2 main techniques the interview and survey. To determine the feasibility of the project, the corresponding market research, size and location, project engineering, the company organization and financial evaluation was conducted. It began developing a market study, obtaining initial and partial results allowed to obtain subsequent forecasts of potential demand, real and effective so we have: 92% of families in Loja eat empanadas, determining a potential or total demand for the first year of 95226 units in real demand becomes 0 because there is no product on the market, effective for the first year of 48517 families, with an average annual consumption of 349 pies for families, the unsatisfied demand was established 12965864 40 Units; with information on market 5 research marketing plan, considering the variables product, price, place, promotion, advertising structure. The technical work is to establish a production of 2,620,800 as installed capacity, and as used for the first year of 748800 empanadas, 62400 monthly, weekly and daily 2400 14400 units. As regards the legal administrative organization, has the trade name of the company is "EMDULCEMAY" Company Ltda. Located in the Las pitas in the Pan American Avenue and street viewer the city of Loja, flowcharts are defined and function's manual. Finally the financial economic study allowed us to determine the amount of initial investment of $ 17104.68 funding will be given by two sources are: $ 9104.68 Internal and external of 8000 (bank credit), with a NPV of $ 24,450.28, IRR of 62.68%, payback period of 1 year, 9 months, 21 days; cost / benefit ratio of 1,19; associated with a sensitivity analysis based on the increased costs to 6.8% and decreased 5.8% revenue which result in less than 1 sensitivity, so, representing feasible and profitable.
URI : http://dspace.unl.edu.ec/jspui/handle/123456789/11270
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