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dc.contributor.advisorMaldonado Quezada, Ing. Vicente Paúl-
dc.contributor.authorPachard Orellana, Alex Fernando-
dc.descriptionThe present work was developed with the purpose of contributing to the administrative administration of the “CLINICAL MATERNITY OF THE SOUTH”; whose purpose is to increase its organizational development, and the market share and to be able to elevate its competitiveness. The “CLINICAL MATERNITY OF THE SOUTH” it is a company of service that is characterized by the acquired experience during these years of exercise in well of the collective; that which to admitted to offer solutions in the field of the health inspired by the necessities and their directives' objectives being constituted to if in one of the first clinics of ours measured. The work investigative compound number “STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CLINIC AND MATERNITY OF THE SOUTH” it is focused in detecting some critical and outstanding aspects of the one mentioned clinic in such a way that you/they can be given alternative of solution to strengthen their image, the quality of the service and for ende to be more competitive in the market for the development of the investigation was necessary to outline several objectives in which the situational analysis of the clinic, the elaboration of a strategic plan that allows him to achieve consists or better positioning in the market, the elaboration of an I diagnose situational with the purpose of knowing the current state of the company, the use of the womb of act impact that allowed to analyze the key points and this way to determine the strategies that you/they help to give solution to the existent problems in the company. It fits to indicate that for the execution of this objectives the corresponding methods and techniques were applied for their best application, as for the utilized methodology for summary of the information, he/she was carried out the analyses and interpretation of the same one, what you/they served like base for the prosecution of the information the direct observation was used, you interview as instruments and technical of investigation that which allowed to have a clearer vision of the reality of the clinic. Inside the results the different interviews were applied the director of the “CLINICAL MATERNITY OF THE SOUTH”, personal that works in the clinic and trecientos ninety seven survey to the clients and users whose information was gathered, tabulated, interpreted and analyzed, being detected this way certain opportunities, threats, the same as the strengths and weaknesses that it possesses the clinic. In the discussion the situational analysis is presented that admitted to know and to identify the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and existent threats in this company, by means of the determination of these internal factors as external the womb of act impact was built, with the recruiting of this elements the strategic objectives guided to improve the organizational structure was built. Lastly he/she was carried out the proposal based on a strategic plan of marketing to improve the service that he/she lends the clinic the same one that consists on the implementation of two strategic objectives whose cost of the present plan ascends to a total of 19013.50 dollars that you/they will be financed by its directives.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo fue desarrollado con la finalidad de contribuir a la gestión administrativa de la “CLÍNICA MATERNIDAD DEL SUR”; cuya finalidad es incrementar su desarrollo organizacional y la participación en el mercado y lograr elevar su competitividad. La “CLÍNICA MATERNIDAD DEL SUR”, es una empresa de servicio que se caracteriza por la experiencia adquirida durante estos años de ejercicio en bien de la colectividad; lo cual ha permitido ofrecer soluciones en el campo de la salud inspirada en las necesidades y objetivos de sus directivos constituyéndose a si en una de la primeras clínicas de nuestro medido. El trabajo investigativo, denominado “PLAN ESTRATÉGICO PARA LA CLÍNICA Y MATERNIDAD DEL SUR”, está enfocado en detectar algunos aspectos críticos y relevantes de la citada clínica de tal manera que se puedan dar alternativas de solución para fortalecer su imagen, la calidad del servicio y por ende ser más competitiva en el mercado. Para el desarrollo de la investigación iniciamos por el objetivo principal que es la elaboración de un Plan Estratégico para la Clínica y Maternidad del Sur, en el cual realizamos un diagnostico situacional de la dicha Clínica por medio de la Matriz Foda. Además un análisis interno y externo lo cual nos ayuda a identificar con claridad los problemas y conocer el estado actual de la Clínica. Cabe indicar que para el cumplimiento de los objetivos y la culminación de la investigación nos apoyamos en la Revisión de la Literatura la cual abarca los contenidos teóricos recopilados de distintas fuentes Bibliográficas; Así mismo se aplicaron los diferentes recursos, herramientas y técnicas que se utilizo como(método científico, deductivo, inductivo y descriptivo; técnica de la investigación, de observación directa, entrevista y en cuesta; recursos humanos, materiales y económicos). También se desarrollaron las debidas conclusiones y recomendaciones basadas en el análisis del trabajo investigativo.es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Biblioteca FJSA

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