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dc.contributor.advisorCosta Cevallos, Marcelo Armando-
dc.contributor.authorGarces Silva, Carlos Eduardo-
dc.descriptionThe legal issues concerning this investigation is aimed at legal and doctrinal analysis of an important part of public law and administrative procedure law is to just glimpse some aspects on stage of legal relations within the public administration are controversial and a high level of problems in terms of procedure within the administrative jurisdiction. In this administrative task which obviously they converge relations between the state and individuals and in legal matters is known as administrative law is often endless conflict is observed between public institutions and administered and individuals, that under public institutions that expressed public law legal will, a situation that could lead to excesses, arbitrary, abuzo discretion. One consequence of that has been the accumulation of records and saturation process in this jurisdiction, affecting the principle of celerity, because in this jurisdiction as the law says, is resolved in a single instance; As such it is necessary that the rules contained in the Law of Administrative Jurisdiction to include reforms to address the weaknesses and limitations of the administrative jurisdiction, such as the creation of a second instance to hear and determine the resources to be reviewed appeals regarding the judgments of the halls of administrative litigation, thus acting as a filter before the National Court, preventing arbitrary recourse to appeal, and it thus allowing the right of recurrence appeal within the same administrative jurisdiction, as the legitimate right to challenge the judgment about the contentious resource that has been presented. The legal issues concerning this investigation is aimed at legal and doctrinal analysis of an important part of public law and administrative procedure law is to just glimpse some aspects on stage of legal relations within the public administration are controversial and a high level of problems in terms of procedure within the administrative jurisdiction. In this administrative task which obviously they converge relations between the state and individuals and in legal matters is known as administrative law is often endless conflict is observed between public institutions and administered and individuals, that under public institutions that expressed public law legal will, a situation that could lead to excesses, arbitrary, abuzo discretion. One consequence of that has been the accumulation of records and saturation process in this jurisdiction, affecting the principle of celerity, because in this jurisdiction as the law says, is resolved in a single instance; As such it is necessary that the rules contained in the Law of Administrative Jurisdiction to include reforms to address the weaknesses and limitations of the administrative jurisdiction, such as the creation of a second instance to hear and determine the resources to be reviewed appeals regarding the judgments of the halls of administrative litigation, thus acting as a filter before the National Court, preventing arbitrary recourse to appeal, and it thus allowing the right of recurrence appeal within the same administrative jurisdiction, as the legitimate right to challenge the judgment about the contentious resource that has been presented. The legal issues concerning this investigation is aimed at legal and doctrinal analysis of an important part of public law and administrative procedure law is to just glimpse some aspects on stage of legal relations within the public administration are controversial and a high level of problems in terms of procedure within the administrative jurisdiction. In this administrative task which obviously they converge relations between the state and individuals and in legal matters is known as administrative law is often endless conflict is observed between public institutions and administered and individuals, that under public institutions that expressed public law legal will, a situation that could lead to excesses, arbitrary, abuzo discretion. One consequence of that has been the accumulation of records and saturation process in this jurisdiction, affecting the principle of celerity, because in this jurisdiction as the law says, is resolved in a single instance; As such it is necessary that the rules contained in the Law of Administrative Jurisdiction to include reforms to address the weaknesses and limitations of the administrative jurisdiction, such as the creation of a second instance to hear and determine the resources to be reviewed appeals regarding the judgments of the halls of administrative litigation, thus acting as a filter before the National Court, preventing arbitrary recourse to appeal, and it thus allowing the right of recurrence appeal within the same administrative jurisdiction, as the legitimate right to challenge the judgment about the contentious resource that has been presentees_ES
dc.description.abstractLa problemática jurídica materia de la presente investigación se orienta al análisis legal y doctrinario de una parte importante del derecho público y que es el derecho procesal administrativo, para precisamente vislumbrar algunos aspectos que en el escenario de las relaciones jurídicas dentro de la administración pública generan controversia y un nivel alto de problemática en el plano procedimental dentro de la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa. En este quehacer administrativo donde evidentemente confluyen relaciones entre el estado y los particulares y que en materia jurídica se conocer como derecho administrativo, es frecuente que se observe una infinidad de conflictos entre las instituciones públicas y los administrados es decir los particulares, esto en virtud de que la institucionalidad pública expresa su voluntad jurídica de derecho público, situación que pude conllevar a excesos, arbitrariedades, abuzo de facultades discrecionales, etc. La Constitución de la República en concordancia con lo establecido en el Estatuto del Régimen Jurídico Administrativo de la Función Ejecutiva y la Ley de la Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa establece las vías para impugnar aquellos actos administrativos que vulneran derechos de los administrados, refiriendo lo siguiente: “Art. 173.- Los actos administrativos de cualquier autoridad del Estado podrán ser impugnados, tanto en la vía administrativa como ante los correspondientes órganos de la Función Judicial” Ahora bien la desconfianza que tienen los administrados para impugnar los actos administrativos por la vía o sede administrativa, es decir ante la misma autoridad que dictó el acto administrativo, ha generado una recurrencia excesiva e indiscriminada a dirigir su impugnación en forma directa y por la vía judicial ante la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa a través de los recursos que la ley de la materia permiten para dicho efecto; Una de las consecuencias de aquello ha sido la acumulación de expedientes y la saturación de procesos en esta jurisdicción, afectándose el principio de celeridad procesal, pues en esta jurisdicción tal como lo dice la ley, se resuelve en única instancia; “Art. 10.- Son atribuciones y deberes jurisdiccionales del Tribunal de lo Contencioso - Administrativo: a) Conocer y resolver en única instancia de las impugnaciones a los reglamentos, actos y resoluciones de la Administración Pública, o de las personas semipúblicas o de derecho privado con finalidad social o pública y decidir acerca de su legalidad o ilegalidad;” Por consiguiente todas aquellas sentencias dictadas por el Tribunal Distrital de lo Contencioso Administrativo que son inconformes para los impugnantes suben en grado en virtud del único recurso que procede de dichos fallos como lo es el recurso de casación, secuencialmente tenemos que en la Corte Nacional de Justicia y precisamente en la Sala Especializada de lo Contencioso Administrativo se produce una congestión aún mayor por el exceso de recursos subidos en grado. En tal virtud es necesario que se revise la normativa contenida en la Ley de la Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa para incorporar reformas dirigidas a solventar las falencias y limitaciones de la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa, como por ejemplo la creación de una segunda instancia que conozca y resuelva los recursos de apelación respecto de las sentencias dictadas por las salas de lo contencioso administrativo, actuando de esta forma como un filtro ante la Corte Nacional, evitando que se recurra en forma arbitraria al recurso de casación, y además permitiendo de esta forma la recurrencia al derecho de apelación dentro de la misma jurisdicción contencioso administrativa, como legítimo derecho para impugnar la sentencia dictada en torno al recurso contencioso que ha sido presentadoes_ES
dc.format.extent125 p.es_ES
dc.titleReforma a la ley de la jurisdicción contencioso administrativa ante la necesidad de crear una segunda instancia que conozca la apelación de los fallos emitidos por el tribunal distrital de lo contencioso administrativoes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: UED

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