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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.advisorMg. Sc. Paola Moreno Ordóñezen_US
dc.contributor.authorMENDOZA, HERNÁN-
dc.description.abstractThis research work entitled THE MIGRATION AND ITS EFFECT ON THE LEARNING OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH THE STUDENTS OF 8TH, 9TH AND 10TH YEARS OF BASIC EDUCATION AT “GABRIEL GARCIA MORENO” HIGH SCHOOL, OF “EL INGENIO” PARISH IN ESPÍNDOLA CANTON. SCHOOL YEAR 2010-2011, has been done with the intention of discover to analyze the migration’ effects on the learning of the English Language. During the development of this research work, we have used some methods such as scientific, descriptive, analytic-synthetic and explicative, which helped us to carry out this investigation, moreover these methods facilitated to describe the observed reality. The information was collected through the use of a survey technique; it was applied to teachers and students to know the problem that effect students ‘learning, after that we process the data to represent on graphs and charts, then we interpret the main results and elaborate the conclusions and recommendations. Among the main results of the present research work, we have identified the family disintegration affects the migrant´s children academic achievements because they don´t have parent´s support in their studies and they face emotional and behavioral problems in the high school which influence on the learning of the English Language.en_US
dc.titleThe migration and its effect on the learning of the english language with the students of 8th, 9th and 10th years of basic education at “Gabriel Garcia Moreno” high school, of “El Ingenio” parish in Espindola canton. School year 2010-2011en_US
Aparece en las colecciones: Biblioteca FEAC

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