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dc.contributor.advisorAcaro Camacho, Bernardino-
dc.contributor.authorBahamonde Jaramillo, Christian Alexander-
dc.descriptionThe present investigative work deals about how to develop the socio-affective area through the puppetry tool on children of the First-year Basic general education of Loja city, it had as general objective to determine how puppets assist to develop the socio-affective area of the children of the first year of basic education, scientific methods were used for its development, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, statistic, descriptive and dialectic, and the techniques and tools employed in the research were: the survey applied to 4 teachers and the Ebbe León Gross’s MEET YOUR CHILDREN test applied to 26 parents, which allowed to diagnose the development of the socio-affective area in 26 children, the same ones that constituted the study sample. Regarding the results in the pre-test, it was proven to determine that 92% of children have a regular level, presenting difficulties to socialize, express emotions and share. To support the development of the socio-affective area on the children, it was designed and applied a guide of playful activities denominated “Learning together”, activities were carried out with the children, using the puppets as a didactic resource, and the belief that the puppets are used to the spectacle medium as a simple distraction object but as a key methodological tool of the enrichment of a good learning on the children, is eliminated. Once the activities are executed, they were evaluated with the post-test, concluding that the 65% achieved a good level, favoring the socio-affective area on the children, assisting on a real way to the emotional development; which is rescued in this reThe present investigative work deals about how to develop the socio-affective area through the puppetry tool on children of the First-year Basic general education of Loja city, it had as general objective to determine how puppets assist to develop the socio-affective area of the children of the first year of basic education, scientific methods were used for its development, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, statistic, descriptive and dialectic, and the techniques and tools employed in the research were: the survey applied to 4 teachers and the Ebbe León Gross’s MEET YOUR CHILDREN test applied to 26 parents, which allowed to diagnose the development of the socio-affective area in 26 children, the same ones that constituted the study sample. Regarding the results in the pre-test, it was proven to determine that 92% of children have a regular level, presenting difficulties to socialize, express emotions and share. To support the development of the socio-affective area on the children, it was designed and applied a guide of playful activities denominated “Learning together”, activities were carried out with the children, using the puppets as a didactic resource, and the belief that the puppets are used to the spectacle medium as a simple distraction object but as a key methodological tool of the enrichment of a good learning on the children, is eliminated. Once the activities are executed, they were evaluated with the post-test, concluding that the 65% achieved a good level, favoring the socio-affective area on the children, assisting on a real way to the emotional development; which is rescued in this researching process is the family involvement in the test and pos-test enforcement, from which was reflected in the diagnostic and evaluation of each one of the children, demonstrating that the use of the puppets helped develop the socio-affective areasearching process is the family involvement in the test and pos-test enforcement, from which was reflected in the diagnostic and evaluation of each one of the children, demonstrating that the use of the puppets helped develop the socio-affective areaes_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo investigativo trata de cómo desarrollar el área socio-afectiva mediante la herramienta de títeres en los niños de Primer Año de Educación General Básica de la Ciudad de Loja, tuvo como objetivo general determinar cómo los títeres ayudan a desarrollar el área socio-afectiva, de los niños de primer año de educación básica, para su desarrollo se usaron los métodos científicos, analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo, estadístico, descriptivo y dialéctico, y las técnicas e instrumentos empleados en la investigación fueron: la encuesta aplicada a 4 docentes y test CONOCE A TUS HIJOS de Ebbe León Gross, aplicado a 26 padres de familia, que permitió diagnosticar el desarrollo del área socio-afectiva en 26 niños, los mismos que constituyeron la muestra de estudio. Respecto a los resultados en el pre-test se comprobó determinar que el 92% de los niños tienen un nivel regular, presentando dificultades para socializar, expresar emociones y compartir. Para apoyar al desarrollo del área socio-afectiva en los niños, se diseñó y aplicó una guía de actividades lúdicas denominada “Aprendiendo juntos” se realizó actividades con los niños, utilizando los títeres como recurso didáctico, y se elimine la creencia de que los títeres son usados para el medio del espectáculo como simple objeto de distracción, si no como herramienta metodológica clave del enriquecimiento de un buen aprendizaje en los niños. una vez ejecutadas las actividades, fueron evaluadas con el post test, concluyendo, que el 65% alcanzó un nivel bueno, favoreciendo, el área socio afectiva en los niños, ayudando de manera real al desarrollo emocional; Lo que se rescata en este proceso de investigación es el involucramiento de las familias en la aplicación del test y post test , de la que se vio reflejado en el diagnóstico y evaluación de cada uno de los niños, demostrando que la utilización de los títeres, ayudó para el desarrollo del área socio-afectiva.es_ES
dc.format.extent156 p.es_ES
dc.titleTíteres como herramienta para desarrollar el área socio-afectiva, de los niños de primer año de educación general básica, de la escuela de educación básica Ciudad de Loja sección matutina durante el año 2019 - 2020.es_ES
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