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Campo DC Valor Lengua/Idioma
dc.contributor.advisorChávez Guamán, Raúl Ernesto-
dc.contributor.authorHonores Calva, Tyrone Maciel-
dc.descriptionBeing aware that the rice sector of the province of Loja produces 24% of the national rice production and that it has a yield of 9.54 tons per hectare, and that despite this it presents needs, the idea of participating in the sector is born Agricultural economics of the Macará canton presenting a proposal that allows to give economic stability to the members of this rice sector, since many times they cannot compete against the entry of foreign products and the large commercializes, with the development of this project proposes the acquisition of rice from small producers without generating expenses towards their economy, this will allow their profitability to be greater, boosting the sector. The development of this research begins with the market study, resulting in 64% of the commercialists in Loja buying natural macareño rice, in the same way a per capita consumption of 144qq of rice per micro market was established with an average price of US $ 43 per quintal, it was also determined that 88.89% of the micro markets would be willing to acquire the product of the new marketer. After this study, we proceeded with the development of the technical study which allowed us to determine size, installed capacity, capacity used, project engineering, macro and micro location, process flow and the location of the commercialization company. Regarding the Administrative Organization, the legal constitution is presented, opting for the option of a Limited Liability Sole Company, being the one that presents the best benefits, in addition to presenting a manual of functions and three diagrams, in the same way the five hierarchical levels are established as structural organization In the economic study, a study of the financial indicators VAN, TIR, PRC, RBC, breakeven point and sensitivity analysis was prepared, after its application it was determined that the project is feasible, but in the first 3 years it will maintain a percentage Low utility since it is at a time of introduction to the market, that is why its implementation is recommended to provide an economic, social and productive contribution to the entire rice sector of the Macará canton.es_ES
dc.description.abstractSiendo conocedores que el sector arrocero de la provincia de Loja produce el 24% de la producción nacional de arroz y que presenta un rendimiento de 9,54 toneladas por hectárea, y que a pesar de ello presenta necesidades, nace la idea de participar del sector económico agrícola del cantón Macará presentando una propuesta que permita lograr dar una estabilidad económica a los integrantes de este sector arrocero, ya que muchas de las veces no pueden competir ante la entrada de producto extranjero y las grandes comercializadoras, con el desarrollo del presente proyecto se propone la adquisición del arroz de los pequeños productores sin generar gastos hacia su economía, esto permitirá que su rentabilidad sea mayor, dinamizando el sector. El desarrollo de esta investigación da inicio con el estudio de mercado, dando como resultado que el 64% de las comercializadoras en Loja compran arroz macareño al natural, de igual manera se estableció un consumo per cápita de 144qq de arroz por micromercado con un precio promedio de $43 dólares americanos por quintal, así mismo se determinó que el 88,89% de los micromercados estarían dispuestos a adquirir el producto de la nueva comercializadora. Posterior a este estudio se procedió con el desarrollo del estudio técnico el cual permitió determinar tamaño, capacidad instalada, capacidad utilizada, ingeniería del proyecto, macro y micro localización, flujo grama de procesos y la ubicación de la comercializadora. En cuanto a la Organización Administrativa se presenta la constitución legal optando por la opción de Compañía Unipersonal de Responsabilidad Limitada, siendo la que presenta mejores beneficios, además se presenta un manual de funciones y tres diagramas, de igual manera se establecen los cinco niveles jerárquicos como organización estructural. En el estudio económico se elaboró un estudio de los indicadores financieros VAN, TIR, PRC, RBC, punto de equilibrio y análisis de sensibilidad, luego de su aplicación se pudo determinar que el proyecto es factible, pero en los 3 primero años mantendrá un porcentaje bajo de utilidad ya que se encuentra en un momento de introducción al mercado, es por ello que se recomienda su implementación para brindar un aporte económico, social y productivo a toda al sector arrocero del cantón Macará. Being aware that the rice sector of the province of Loja produces 24% of the national rice production and that it has a yield of 9.54 tons per hectare, and that despite this it presents needs, the idea of participating in the sector is born Agricultural economics of the Macará canton presenting a proposal that allows to give economic stability to the members of this rice sector, since many times they cannot compete against the entry of foreign products and the large commercializes, with the development of this project proposes the acquisition of rice from small producers without generating expenses towards their economy, this will allow their profitability to be greater, boosting the sector. The development of this research begins with the market study, resulting in 64% of the commercialists in Loja buying natural macareño rice, in the same way a per capita consumption of 144qq of rice per micro market was established with an average price of US $ 43 per quintal, it was also determined that 88.89% of the micro markets would be willing to acquire the product of the new marketer. After this study, we proceeded with the development of the technical study which allowed us to determine size, installed capacity, capacity used, project engineering, macro and micro location, process flow and the location of the commercialization company. Regarding the Administrative Organization, the legal constitution is presented, opting for the option of a Limited Liability Sole Company, being the one that presents the best benefits, in addition to presenting a manual of functions and three diagrams, in the same way the five hierarchical levels are established as structural organization In the economic study, a study of the financial indicators VAN, TIR, PRC, RBC, breakeven point and sensitivity analysis was prepared, after its application it was determined that the project is feasible, but in the first 3 years it will maintain a percentage Low utility since it is at a time of introduction to the market, that is why its implementation is recommended to provide an economic, social and productive contribution to the entire rice sector of the Macará canton.es_ES
dc.format.extent200 páginases_ES
dc.publisherLoja, 15 de junioes_ES
dc.titleProyecto de factibilidad para la implementación de una empresa comercializadora de arroz macareño al natural en la ciudad de Lojaes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJOS DE TITULACION FJSA

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