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Título : Efectos de niveles altos de fibra cruda, sobre parámetros productivos y digestivos en Cobayos tipo 1A (Cavia porcellus), utilizando como fuente de fibra La Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)
Autor : Abad Guamán, Rodrigo Medardo
Azanza Celi, Danny Patricio
Palabras clave : CUY
Fecha de publicación : 29-ago-2019
Editorial : Loja
Resumen : El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de niveles altos de fi- bra cruda, sobre los para´metros productivos y digestivos en cobayos tipo 1A (Cavia porcellus), utilizando como fuente de fibra la alfalfa. Se utilizaron 80 machos y 80 hembras de 15 d´ıas de edad, distribuidos en grupos de 10 animales (unidad experi- mental). El experimento se desarrollo´ bajo un arreglo factorial 2x2. Se elaboraron dos raciones isoenergeticas e isoproteicas, con el 16 % de prote´ına y 2 800 (Kcal/Kg) de Energia Digestible con diferentes niveles de fibra. La primera dieta se formulo´ con el 12 % de FC, la segunda con el 15 % de FC. Las dietas fueron suministradas ad libitum. Los animales fueron sacrificados al d´ıa 64 de edad (un animal por uni- dad experimental). Se peso´ el tracto digestivo total, el ciego, esto´mago, se tomo´ las longitudes de intestino delgado e intestino grueso as´ı mismo se tomo´ el pH de cie- go y esto´mago. Para los para´metros productivos se obtuvo un peso de 634 g para el nivel de fibra de 12 % y 701 g para el 15 % en la decima semana con un p - valor (P =< 0, 0001) ; la mortalidad en el presente trabajo se manifesto´ por la desnatura- lizacio´n de la Vitamina C. En los para´metros digestivos, no se observo´ interaccio´n entre los niveles de fibra y sexo de igual manera en el peso relativo.Se evidencio co- rrelacio´n entre varios o´rganos digestivos como: intestino delgado,estomago y ciegos, con el peso total del tracto digestivo y de igual manera el peso final con el peso del estomago se relacionan con los componentes de la dieta. Palabras clave: Fibra, Nivel, tratamiento, Desnaturalizacio´n.
Descripción : The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of high levels of raw fi- ber, on productive and digestive parameters in guinea pigs type 1a (Cavia porcelain), using straw as a source of fiber. 80 males and 80 females 15 days old were used, they were housed in groups of 10 animals (experimental unit). The experiment was developed under a 2x2 factorial arrangement. Two rations based on isoenergetic and isoproteic diets were prepared for growth, made with 16 % protein and 2 800 Digesti- ble Energy (Kcal / Kg) with different levels fiber veils. The first diet was formulated with 12 % of FC, the second diet was I formulate with 15 % of FC. the diets were supplied ad libitum. Animals were sacrificed at age 64 (one animal per experimental unit). The total digestive tract, the blind, this magician, the lengths of the small intes- tine and large intestine were weighed, the pH of the blind and this magician was also taken. For the productive parameters a weight of 634 g was obtained for the fiber level of 12 % and 701 g for 15 % in the tenth week with a p-value (P = < 0,0001);Mortality in the present work was manifested by the denaturation of Vitamin C.In the digestive parameters, there was no interaction between fiber levels and sex in the same way in relative weight.There was a correlation between several digestive organs such as: small intestine, stomach and blind, with the total weight of the digestive tract and in the same way the final weight with the weight of the stomach is related to the components of the diet. Key words: Fiber, Level, treatment, denaturation.
URI : http://dspace.unl.edu.ec/jspui/handle/123456789/22405
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