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dc.contributor.advisorMaldonado Román, Mary Beatriz-
dc.descriptionThis thesis entitled "Organization STOCKHOLDERS TO THE COMPANY CREDILLANTAS MC CITY OF LOJA, PERIOD JANUARY TO MARCH OF THE YEAR 2016" is aimed at proposing an accounting organization that allows its owner to know the economic-financial situation Real company, the same as that performed by executing each of the specific objectives proposed: To fulfill the first objective which states: Make an inventory of assets, rights and obligations designed to show in general. To fulfill the first objective states: Make a plan and accounts manual according to the needs of the company that allows sort accounts of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses. The second objective is: Run the initial inventory to determine the assets, rights and obligations held by the company. The third goal relates to: Develop records Auxiliary Sales, Purchasing, Roles Payments and Provisions to facilitate simplify moving operations, and to fulfill the fourth objective that says: Prepare the accounting process through the system d Permanent control inventories to obtaining financial statements to determine the actual economic situation - financial company. Within the methodology used to carry out this thesis the scientific method was applied as a general strategy study making use of other methods such as the Deductive, Inductive, Descriptive, analytical, synthetic and 5 Mathematician and research techniques such as: interview and literature review. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations of the whole thesis is presented for the Owner Manager considers them as an option in taking corrective measures to help the business progress Among the findings reported it is mainly highlighting: Managing Owner Company "CREDILLANTAS MC" does not take control over the goods or an accounting record of their daily operations, preventing know exactly their stocks and to obtain reliable information on the results an economic period. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a System Control of Goods such as System Permanent Account to help obtain accurate information of inventory through permanent physical findings, and implement the accounting process that allows the orderly registration and timely transactions of the Company reflecting the results at the end of the fiscal year and with it the right decision.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente trabajo de tesis titulado ORGANIZACIÓN CONTABLE A LA EMPRESA “CREDILLANTAS MC” DE LA CIUDAD DE LOJA PERIODO ENERO– MARZO DEL AÑO 2016 se orientó a proponer una adecuada organización contable lo que permitió a su propietaria conocer la situación económica- financiera real de la empresa, y de esta manera tomar las decisiones acertadas y de mejoramiento. Se elaboró un plan y manual de cuentas acorde a las necesidades y naturaleza de la empresa que permita ordenar las cuentas de Activo, Pasivo, Patrimonio, Ingresos y Gastos. Se ejecutó el inventario inicial para determinar los bienes, derechos y obligaciones que posee la empresa. También se elaboró registros de Auxiliares de Ventas, Compras, Roles de Pagos y Provisiones que facilitaron la simplificación del movimiento de las Operaciones. Además se elaboró el proceso contable a través del sistema de control de inventarios Permanente iniciando por el Inventario Inicial, Estado de Situación Inicial, Libro Diario, Libro Mayor, Balance de Comprobación, Hoja de Trabajo y finalmente los Estados Financieros que permitieron conocer la real situación económica – financiera de la empresa. De los resultados obtenidos del presente trabajo de tesis se determinó que al implementar la Organización Contable en la Empresa Credillantas MC se estableció un adecuado registro adecuado y oportuno de las transacciones de la empresa reflejándolos resultados obtenidos al finalizar el ejercicio económico y con ello la acertada toma de decisiones.es_ES
dc.format.extent343 p.es_ES
dc.publisherLoja, 16 de noviembrees_ES
dc.titleOrganización Contable a la Empresa “CREDILLANTAS MC” de la Ciudad de Loja Periodo Enero– Marzo del Año 2016es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJOS DE TITULACION FJSA

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