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dc.contributor.advisorCueva Jiménez, Neusa Cecilia-
dc.contributor.authorPineda León, Gabriela Alexandra-
dc.descriptionThe research entitled, was held for the purpose of meeting the economic and financial development that the entity under study, with this justified execution, using the right tools to get results. The objectives of the research were: to carry out a comparative analysis of the financial statements during the period 2013-2014 by means of vertical and horizontal analysis, in order to know the weaknesses and strengths of IOMOTORS, in order to comply with this objective, To carry out a previous visit to the entity under study in order to collect important information such as the financial statements of the two periods, subsequently analyzed the information and proceeded to develop the financial analysis horizontally and vertically, where the Information analyzed and it was verified that some accounts had variations from one period to another that was due to different policies that applied the administrative of the company. The second objective was: to apply financial indicators that allow to know in a timely manner the level of economic and financial profitability in the years subject to analysis; In order to meet this objective, the different financial indicators were used to give an overview of how the company is growing and verified that it has a high rate of return to cover short-term obligations; And the third objective was to: Provide the company with the report containing the conclusions and recommendations that will serve to improve levels of profitability; For the accomplishment of this objective, the financial analysis report was drawn up, which consists of all the results of the work analyzed, it also has the conclusions and recommendations that are sent to the managers of the entity in order to be Take into consideration to improve some deficiencies that have been given, with the objectives that the goals and objectives can be fulfilled. Upon completion of the research work you can see that there are some deficiencies and both the economics and financial, which is currently going through, by the results presented in the report, managers must take appropriate and necessary decisions, with the to maximize profitability.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa presente investigación, se realizó con el propósito de conocer la posición económico-financiero de la empresa objeto de estudio en los años analizados, Para el desarrollo del tema se consideró necesario analizar comparativamente la información, a través del método de Análisis Vertical y Horizontal, a fin de establecer la participación porcentual de una cuenta respecto del rubro/grupo y aumentos y disminuciones (variaciones) de las diferentes cuentas que conforman los Estados Financieros; y, lo más importante establecer las razones de dichas variaciones, a efectos de que se consideren alternativas de mejoramiento, en la toma adecuada y oportuna de decisiones. Posteriormente, mediante la aplicación de Indicadores Financieros se pudo conocer de manera oportuna cuál es el nivel de liquidez, rentabilidad, endeudamiento y actividad en los años sujetos a análisis, para ello fue necesario recurrir a los estándares generales aplicables al sector comercial, mismos que facilitaron el informe de análisis financiero, con sugerencias que conlleven a mejorar su sostenibilidad en el mercado. Finalmente, se presenta a la empresa el informe correspondiente, en el que se destaca los resultados de los procedimientos aplicados, en forma cuantitativa y cualitativa, a fin de que los directivos consideren en su gerenciamiento aspectos que permitan mejorar sus niveles de comercialización y por ende de rentabilidad; así como también, su permanencia en el mercado, minimizando costos y gastos y maximizando el valor de la empresa.es_ES
dc.format.extent151 .pes_ES
dc.titleAnálisis a los estados financieros de la empresa Iomotors de la ciudad de Loja, período 2013 - 2014es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: UED

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