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dc.contributor.advisorNeira Histroza, César-
dc.contributor.authorGranda Gonzalez, Patricio-
dc.descriptionThis study was conducted in the city of Loja, due to the need to create a marketing company of metallic profiles in the south west of the city of Loja in order to contribute to the construction of earthquake-resistant structures for the housing sector, therefore, the study called "FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CREATING raised DISTRIBUTOR OF PROFILES A COMPANY IN SOUTH WEST OF THE CITY OF LOJA” The study is a review of the literature, where the conceptual references of the issues linked to the development of this research work. For the realization of the thesis was taken as basis methods and techniques that helped identify the study population, and learn through application level feasibility surveys for the creation of the company. In the market study two types of claims are quantified: the real demand was 43% and 73% effective demand indicators showed that percentage of the economically active population would agree to our product On the supply side interview technique was applied to twelve companies, these being company’s greater coverage and distribution of metal profiles inLoja. The technical study was then developed where size is represented the plant in relation to its installed and used, defined its macro capability and its micro location and the respective programs process flow for the marketing of products In the organizational study it found that the company will be legally incorporated as a Limited Company, will have a minimum duration period of 5 years and will have the company name "PROFILES LOJA" Cia. Ltda., The same that will be located in the city of Loja in the neighborhood Daniel Alvarez Miguel Burnet streets Morelos and Jose Marti. Similarly it was determined hierarchical levels and organizational charts with which began its work the company also manuals functions defined to have clear and defined the functions of the personnel working in it. This study was conducted in the city of Loja, due to the need to create a marketing company of metallic profiles in the south west of the city of Loja in order to contribute to the construction of earthquake-resistant structures for the housing sector, therefore, the study called "FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CREATING raised DISTRIBUTOR OF PROFILES A COMPANY IN SOUTH WEST OF THE CITY OF LOJA” The study is a review of the literature, where the conceptual references of the issues linked to the development of this research work. For the realization of the thesis was taken as basis methods and techniques that helped identify the study population, and learn through application level feasibility surveys for the creation of the company. In the market study two types of claims are quantified: the real demand was 43% and 73% effective demand indicators showed that percentage of the economically active population would agree to our product On the supply side interview technique was applied to twelve companies, these being company’s greater coverage and distribution of metal profiles inLoja. The technical study was then developed where size is represented the plant in relation to its installed and used, defined its macro capability and its micro location and the respective programs process flow for the marketing of products In the organizational study it found that the company will be legally incorporated as a Limited Company, will have a minimum duration period of 5 years and will have the company name "PROFILES LOJA" Cia. Ltda., The same that will be located in the city of Loja in the neighborhood Daniel Alvarez Miguel Burnet streets Morelos and Jose Marti. Similarly it was determined hierarchical levels and organizational charts with which began its work the company also manuals functions defined to have clear and defined the functions of the personnel working in it. This study was conducted in the city of Loja, due to the need to create a marketing company of metallic profiles in the south west of the city of Loja in order to contribute to the construction of earthquake-resistant structures for the housing sector, therefore, the study called "FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CREATING raised DISTRIBUTOR OF PROFILES A COMPANY IN SOUTH WEST OF THE CITY OF LOJA” The study is a review of the literature, where the conceptual references of the issues linked to the development of this research work. For the realization of the thesis was taken as basis methods and techniques that helped identify the study population, and learn through application level feasibility surveys for the creation of the company. In the market study two types of claims are quantified: the real demand was 43% and 73% effective demand indicators showed that percentage of the economically active population would agree to our product On the supply side interview technique was applied to twelve companies, these being company’s greater coverage and distribution of metal profiles inLoja. The technical study was then developed where size is represented the plant in relation to its installed and used, defined its macro capability and its micro location and the respective programs process flow for the marketing of products In the organizational study it found that the company will be legally incorporated as a Limited Company, will have a minimum duration period of 5 years and will have the company name "PROFILES LOJA" Cia. Ltda., The same that will be located in the city of Loja in the neighborhood Daniel Alvarez Miguel Burnet streets Morelos and Jose Marti. Similarly it was determined hierarchical levels and organizational charts with which began its work the company also manuals functions defined to have clear and defined the functions of the personnel working in it.conomic Survey in an investment of $ 222014 this investment is divided into fixed assets and working capital deferred seen. The investment financing will be solved as follows: 90% own capital is $ 200,000 and the remaining 10% financed by the credit union with Manuel Esteban Godoy amount of $ 22014 with a term of 5 years. The financial evaluation yielded the following results: The Value net present (NPV) is $111610 in the benefit cost was determined that for every dollar invested a profit of 43 cents will be obtained, the Recovery Period Capital will be 4 years Internal Rate of Return of the project is 39,99 being this value satisfactory for project implementation, Sensitivity Analysis allowed us to determine that our project supports an increase in costs of 7.5% and a decrease in revenues of 5,6% thus conclude that the project would not be sensible. With all the above aspects it is concluded that the implementation of the company "PERFÍLES LOJA CIA Ltda." Is feasible, therefore, its creation is recommended..es_ES
dc.description.abstractEl presente estudio se desarrolló en la Ciudad de Loja, debido a la necesidad de crear una empresa comercializadora de perfiles metálicos en el sur oeste de la ciudad de Loja con el fin de contribuir en la construcción de estructuras sismo resistentes para las viviendas del sector por tal motivo se planteó el estudio denominado “ESTUDIO DE FACTIBILIDAD PARA LA CREACIÓN DE UNA EMPRESA COMERCIALIZADORA DE PERFÍLES METÁLICOS EN EL SUR OESTE DE LA CIUDAD DE LOJA” Uno de los objetivos fue el de crear una empresa distribuidora que realice su entrega de forma inmediata sin problemas de atascos vehiculares y evitando las multas por falta de estacionamiento. El estudio partió de una revisión de la literatura, donde se encuentro los referentes conceptuales de los temas vinculados al desarrollo del presente trabajo investigativo. Para la realización de la tesis se tomó como base métodos deductivo e inductivo y técnicas que permitieron identificar la población de estudio, y conocer a través de la aplicación de encuestas el nivel de factibilidad para la creación de la empresa. En el estudio de mercado partiendo de nuestro segmento de mercado que fue de 398 personas de la poblacion economicamente activa se cuantifico dos tipos de demandas: la demanda real que fue de 173 personas que afirmaron haber adquirido el producto y la demanda efectiva con 126 personas que estuvieron dispuestas a adquirir nuestro producto. Respecto a la oferta se aplicó la técnica de la entrevista a doce empresas, siendo éstas las empresas de mayor cobertura y distribución de perfiles metálicos en la ciudad de Loja. Luego se desarrolló el estudio técnico en donde se representó el tamaño de la planta en relación a su capacidad instalada y utilizada, se definió su macro y su micro localización y el respectivo flujo gramas de proceso para la comercialización de los productos 3 En el estudio organizacional se determinó que la empresa será legalmente constituida como una Compañía Limitada, tendrá un periodo de duración mínimo de 5 años y tendrá como razón social “PERFÍLES LOJA “Cía. Ltda., la misma que estará ubicada en la ciudad de Loja en el Barrio Daniel Álvarez Burneo calles Miguel Morelos y José Martí. De igual manera se determinó lo niveles jerárquicos y los organigramas con los que iniciara sus labores la empresa, además se definió los manuales de funciones para tener claras y definidas las funciones del personal que laborara en la misma. En el Estudio Financiero se apreció una inversión de $222014 ésta inversión está dividida en activos fijos, diferidos y capital de trabajo. El financiamiento de la inversión será solventado de la siguiente manera: El 90% capital propio que son 200000 dólares y 10% restante financiado por La cooperativa de ahorro y crédito Manuel Esteban Godoy con importe de $22014 con un plazo de 5 años. La evaluación financiera permitió obtener los siguientes resultados: El Valor actual neto (VAN) fue de $95940 en la Relación Beneficio Costo se determinó que por cada dólar invertido se obtendrá una ganancia de 42 centavos de dólar, el Periodo de Recuperación de Capital será de 4 años la Tasa Interna de Retorno del proyecto es 39,74 siendo este valor satisfactorio para la ejecución del proyecto, el Análisis de Sensibilidad nos permitió determinar que nuestro proyecto soporta un incremento en los costos del 6.5% y una disminución en los ingresos del 4,92% con lo que concluimos que el proyecto no será sensible. Con todos los aspectos antes mencionados se concluye que la implementación de la empresa “PERFÍLES LOJA CIA Ltda.”, es factible, por lo tanto, Se recomienda su creación.es_ES
dc.format.extent188 p.es_ES
dc.publisherLoja, 21 de marzoes_ES
dc.titleEstudio de Factibildad para la creacion de una Empresa Comercializadora de Perfileria Metalica, en el Sur Oeste de la Ciudad de Lojaes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJOS DE TITULACION FJSA

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