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dc.contributor.advisorGonzález, Rosa Virginia-
dc.contributor.authorVásquez Armijos, Marcia Natividad-
dc.descriptionThis action research study was focused in using songs to improve the English listening skill with thirteen seventh year students at “Andrés Machado Montero”Public School. Six sessions were carried out to improve this skill. A researcher- made test and a questionnaire were used to measure the students´ progress and perception of the use of songs. Observation sheets were used regularly to monitor the students´ progress. The results revealed significant progress in this skill after the use of songs and it wasdemonstrated through qualitative data with a noticeable change of perception toward using songs as a teaching strategy occurred. To conclude, the change in the students´ perception was significant as it was showed in their post-test scores. A recommendation for future researchers is to apply songs in their teaching practice because it contributes to improve the listening skill in an effective wayes_ES
dc.description.abstractEsta investigaciónacciónse enfocó en el uso decanciones para mejorar ladestreza auditivacon trece estudiantes deséptimoañode la escuelapúblicaAndrésMachadoMontero.Se llevaron a cabo seis sesiones. Se aplicó una prueba y un cuestionario diseñada por el investigador para medirel progreso y lapercepción deluso de cancionesen los estudiantes.Se utilizaronfichas de observación para monitorear el progreso de los mismos.Los resultados delpost-testmostraronun progreso significativo enesta habilidady los datos cualitativos muestranun cambio notable en la percepcióndel uso decanciones en el proceso de esta destreza.Para concluir, elcambio en la percepciónde los estudianteses evidente enlas calificaciones del post-test. Una recomendaciónpara futuros investigadoreses aplicar cancionesen su práctica docente ya que contribuyen al aprendizaje de la destreza auditiva de formaefectivaes_ES
dc.format.extent140 p.es_ES
dc.titleApplying songs to improve listening skill in the english language learning with the students of seventh year of basic education, at “Andrés Machado Montero” school. Academic period 2013-2014es_ES
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