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Campo DC | Valor | Lengua/Idioma |
dc.contributor.advisor | Jaramillo Serrano, Jenny | - |
dc.contributor.author | SAVEDRA ROA, ROCIO ELIZABETH | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2016-05-03T20:20:29Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2016-05-03T20:20:29Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2016 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://dspace.unl.edu.ec/jspui/handle/123456789/11813 | - |
dc.description | In all states or mostly respect the presumption of innocence is enacted, seeing to it that individual liberty is inviolable, therefore the right of people to fully enjoy its being free until they check a fact or unlawful act imputed to them and they are convicted. Within the Ecuadorian legal framework also we have the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; applicable in the international order and which expressly determined in its Art.1 that "Everyone has all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. "In the last part leaves us open the possibility that the court could be passed from one person also be regarded as a right and inviolable guarantee of people in general. "Considering the hierarchy of norms know that the content of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is mandatory and prevails even on alternate legislation that relates to the case at hand, they would be constituted by the penal codes and They are procedural with tentative recidivism. A clear impairment of the presumption of innocence, and that appears even in the Ecuadorian legal system, which is contradictory to the guarantees established by the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, occurs in so-called recidivism since, according the doctrine of the "recidivism" that violate the principle of innocence, the principle whereby people must also be considered innocent and treated as such for the development of pre-trial criminal procedure and investigation and can be revoked by order court to declare the guilt after a right chord criminal proceedings with the guarantees provided in Article 76 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador regarding the due process imposes on others the burden of proving the extent of liability in the reiteration of criminal offenses and for having served previously a sentence of freedom for another offense, it is estimated justify its danger and, although this is not proven not to have it. Declared guilty in any degree of responsibility in the commission of a crime by final judgment our legislation foresees the possibility that the person to re-commit another offense before which the call is configured as legal relapse prevention attentive to my judgment against the constitutional principle of innocence. However it is even more unusual the question of increasing the penalty or punishment for the fact that the defendant is a repeat offender, it would be some guarantor of the proper application of the rights judged by his criminal record, discriminatory act that is expressly prohibited by the rule in paragraph 1 dela Art. 11 Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. There are also other damages to other constitutional guarantees, such as the "non bis in idem", characterized by the fact that no one should be tried or punished twice for the same unlawful act, considering that because such recidivism seem to be hindered or violates that this guarantee is properly applied. If we focus a little further, the theme I have proposed to develop this research, also includes discrimination that can be processed by some because of his criminal record, although it is true that much is said not to be discriminate against any person because of "criminal record", but it is the case that in practice if these cases often occur; that is judged not only by the current offense but also considered previous convictions or offenses and courts; in our Constitution in its Article 11, paragraph 1 is contemplated transcendentally the principle of equality before the law, and I believe that the application of this "principle" is the engine and the start of many social conquests, it is established in a way clear and literally says, "All people are equal and enjoy the same rights, duties and opportunities. No one shall be discriminated against on grounds of ethnicity, place of birth, age, sex, gender identity, cultural identity, marital status, language, religion, ideology, political affiliation, criminal record, socio-economic status, immigration status, sexual orientation, health, carry HIV, disability, physical difference; or any other distinction, personal or collective, temporary or permanent, which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of rights. The law punish all forms of discrimination. " Getting it correctly observe that Article, and that is in harmony with other laws, can not engage in discriminatory application causing inequalities in which litigants find themselves facing criminal offenses current and already had a criminal record, and for purposes to prevent the implementation of alternatives to trial, to limit the bond, as well as to constitute aggravating circumstances in sentencing. | es_ES |
dc.description.abstract | En todos los Estados o en su mayoría, se promulga el respeto a la presunción de inocencia, considerando para ello que la libertad individual es inviolable, en consecuencia es el derecho que tienen las personas a gozar plenamente su condición de ser libres hasta que se les compruebe un hecho o acto ilícito que se les impute y por ende sea declarada mediante sentencia ejecutoriada en firme su culpabilidad. Dentro del marco jurídico ecuatoriano contamos además con la Declaración universal de Derechos Humanos; aplicable en el ordenamiento internacional y en la que expresamente determina en su artículo 1 lo siguiente; “toda persona tiene todos los derechos y libertades proclamados en esta declaración, sin distinción alguna de raza, sexo, idioma, religión, opinión política o de cualquier otra índole, origen nacional o social, posición económica, nacimiento o cualquier otra condición.”1 En su última parte nos deja abierta la posibilidad que bien se podría aplicar este derecho si se tratase de resolver situaciones jurídicas por pasado judicial. Al considerar el orden jerárquico de la normativa conocemos que la aplicación en cuestiones de proteger los derechos de las personas y que el contenido de esta Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos tiene carácter imperativo y prevalece sobre leyes alternas. Una afectación clara al principio de inocencia y que se presenta aun en el ordenamiento jurídico penal ecuatoriano, y que resulta contradictorio a las garantías que establece la Constitución de la República del Ecuador vigente desde el 20 de Octubre del año 2008, es la figura de la reincidencia , puesto que según varios tratadistas del Derecho esta institución jurídica vulnera los principios de no discriminación por pasado judicial, y el de presunción de inocencia, derechos constitucionales mediante los cuales todos debemos ser tratados y considerados como inocentes durante el desarrollo de la investigación. El Articulo 76 de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador, que trata sobre los Derechos de Protección contempla en el numeral 2 lo relativo a la presunción de inocencia señala que; “Se presumirá la inocencia de toda persona, y será tratada como tal, mientras no se declare su responsabilidad mediante resolución firme o sentencia ejecutoriada,”2citado de tal manera que la aplicación de esta garantía constitucional es trascendental para asegurar el debido proceso. Al considerar aun a la reincidencia en nuestro ordenamiento penal, afecta también a otras garantías tal como es el caso el principio Non Bis In Ídem, que se relaciona al hecho que nadie debe ser juzgado ni sancionado dos veces por el mismo delito, recayendo para el efecto en la figura de discriminación por pasado judicial, manifestación que está prohibida de acuerdo a lo contemplado en el artículo 11 numeral 2 de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador que de manera clara expresa; “Todas las personas son iguales y gozaran de los mismos derechos, deberes y oportunidades. Nadie podrá ser discriminado por razones de etnia, lugar de nacimiento, edad, sexo, identidad de género, identidad cultural, estado civil, idioma, religión, ideología, filiación política, pasado judicial, condición socio-económica, condición migratoria, orientación sexual, estado de salud, portar VIH, discapacidad, diferencia física;…….”3 Por tal razón, conseguir que se apliquen estos derechos y que se armonicen con el resto de leyes, permitiría no incurrir en vulneraciones de principios legalmente constituidos, produciendo afectaciones, desigualdades discriminatorias en las que se ven inmersos los acusados que afrontan delitos actuales y que mantienen un pasado judicial, anteponiendo para ello lamentablemente un antecedente de peligrosidad sin que este en realidad lo demuestre. | es_ES |
dc.format.extent | 110 p. | es_ES |
dc.language.iso | spa | es_ES |
dc.publisher | LOJA | es_ES |
dc.rights | openAccess | es_ES |
dc.rights.uri | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ec/ | es_ES |
dc.subject | DERECHO. | es_ES |
dc.type | bachelorThesis | es_ES |
Aparece en las colecciones: | TRABAJOS DE TITULACION FJSA |
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