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dc.contributor.advisorAguirre Aguirre., Rebeca Isabel-
dc.contributor.authorSarango Valladolid, Itsmenia Rocío-
dc.descriptionAdministrative Law, is the set of legal rules governing the organization, functioning and powers of the government as its relations with individuals, as well as all the legal rules resulting from the relations between state bodies with individuals or between State agencies to meet the collective needs or require relating to public services in accordance with the law. Administrative Law, is an essential tool that allows to know and understand the organization, administration and state activity aimed at meeting the needs of the members thereof, which together with laws, that the main sources of legislation Ecuador Public Administration, should be inspired by the public, also there is a new dispersion of administrative and allocation of responsibilities, which is a cyclical trend of the Public Administration and centralization successive Ecuadorian authorities and resources, which means close coordination of the central powers in the implementation of national policies. In the first legal relationship where the State provides public service directly under the powers conferred on an organ or agency of the State is clearly the subjective relationship of an administrative nature, where the state according to their property empire exercises administered directly on the power, expressing their will through public legal acts, to which the administrative doctrine referred to as administrative acts, which specificities are regulated by the law, under 5 which, the personal rights of the governed, which are protected under the application of administrative law which regulates the relations of power on one side are internal to the public by means of powers, faculties, powers, functions and powers, and other external, when create relationships with people, create rights or obligations. Ecuador's legal system on the other hand, does not define what a public service, which brings us some problems in determining the powers of public service that the state can securitize to third. Thus, the Constitution by way of example determine which public services are provided by the state, determining how public services including health, education, justice, social security, electricity, water and sewage, processing, transmission and distribution fuels, public transportation, telecommunications, etc. In the modeling that makes the delivery of public services and as administrator authority, provides for the implementation of personnel policies through the Human Resource, by virtue of this power, we must ensure the development of public servants, and they to hold their and warrant rights should prevail within the scope of functions on any determination of the employer when it may be a rollover, transfer or administrative change. Thus, under the legal vacuum and to determine, our authorities often confuse the public service which includes, generating situations as explained above, where the government, powers are transferred in a manner unlawful to legal persons, such as public servants.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa Administración Pública, es la actividad racional, técnica, jurídica y permanente, ejecutada por el Estado, que tiene por objeto planificar, organizar, dirigir, coordinar, controlar y evaluar el funcionamiento de los servicios públicos, su fin es prestar servicios eficientes y eficaces para satisfacer necesidades generales y lograr el desarrollo económico, social y cultural del País; para obtener estos resultados la administración tiene que formular objetivos, trazar políticas, elegir procedimientos, decidir correctamente, ejecutar las resoluciones y controlar las acciones de los servidores. El servidor público, ha de considerar en su desempeño que las acciones legales, administrativas y técnicas no son necesariamente acciones secretas, pero sí reservadas en el sentido de discreción; por lo tanto el servidor se cuidará de no poner de relieve, innecesaria o ilegalmente, los asuntos que atañen a su desempeño y al proceder del grupo de trabajo, incluso por el riesgo de ser mal interpretado y que afecte al prestigio de la institución. La Administración Pública es un proceso técnico-jurídico, por la planificación como una guía para la ejecución de obras y el primer paso obligatorio para futuras acciones constructivas del Estado; la organización determina que los servidores asuman funciones, responsabilidades, decisiones y la ejecución de actividades; y se ponga en orden a las personas y cosas; bajo una dirección 3 que orienta, ejecuta, manda y ordena y vigila las actividades hacia el cumplimiento de los fines, responsabilidades, decisiones y la ejecución de actividades; y se ponga en orden a las personas y cosas. Serán servidoras o servidores públicos todas las personas que en cualquier forma o a cualquier título trabajen, presten servicios o ejerzan un cargo, función o dignidad dentro del sector público, los derechos de los servidores públicos son irrenunciables, y la ley definirá el organismo rector en materia de recursos humanos y remuneraciones para todo el sector público y regulará el ingreso, ascenso, promoción, incentivos, régimen disciplinario, estabilidad, sistema de remuneración y cesación de funciones de sus servidores.es_ES
dc.format.extent155 p.es_ES
dc.publisherLoja, 25 de abriles_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJOS DE TITULACION FJSA

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