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Título : Manual de Organización, Políticas y Procedimientos para la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Marcabelí, del cantón Marcabelí provincia de El Oro.
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Resumen : The present work consisted on the elaboration of a Manual of Organization Politicians and Procedures for the Cooperative of Saving and Credit Marcabelí. In which you/they are defined terms related with the such topic as: Cooperative of Saving and Credit, Manuals, Organization, Political and Procedures, etc. The proposed objectives were the following ones: • To know the organization with which counts the Cooperative of Saving and Credit Marcabelí. • To gather necessary, up-to-date, truthful and opportune information for the elaboration of Manual of Organization Politicians and Procedures for a Cooperative of Saving and Credit. • To investigate and to detail step to step, the Organization with which should count a Cooperative of Saving and Credit. • To define the Politicians and applicable Procedures for the elaboration of a Manual. • To contribute to the Cooperative of Saving and Credit Marcabelí for their development and growth with a Manual of Organization Politicians and Procedures for their different departments. For the execution of the objectives outlined firstly he/she was carried out an interview directed to the Manager of the Cooperative, as well as the respective surveys to the partners and employees of the same one, with which one could meet the Organization then with which counts the Cooperative of Saving and Credit Marcabelí, all the necessary information were gathered so much in libraries of the town and internet about the Organization Politicians and Procedures with those that should count a Cooperative of Saving and Credit, so that after carrying out the investigations of the case to be able to define the Politicians and applicable Procedures for each one of the Departments inside the Cooperative, finishing this way with the structuring of the Manual of Organization Politicians and Procedures for the Cooperative of Saving and Credit Marcabelí, general objective of my work.
URI : http://dspace.unl.edu.ec/jspui/handle/123456789/4298
Aparece en las colecciones: Biblioteca FJSA

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