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Título : “The curricular planning and its incidence in the development of the four linguistic basic skills of the English language in the “8 de Diciembre” High School, in Catamayo Canton - San Pedro de la Bendita parish. Period 2009-2010.”
Autor : Mg.Sc. Paola Moreno O.
Fecha de publicación : 2010
Resumen : All systematic process needs to be planned, especially in education because it requires a mission, a vision and objectives which are part of the curricular development within each planning level, that let to improve the teaching learning process. This research has been established to determine how the curricular planning incides in the development of the four basic linguistic skills of the English Language in the students of the “8 de Diciembre“ high school, Catamayo Canton - San Pedro de la Bendita parish. Period 2009-2010, so, this research is very important because planning is the support of the teaching learning process which involves: authorities, teachers and students We have focused on the elaboration of the Didactic Unit Plan and Lesson Plan based on the skills development, for this we have applied different methods like: descriptive, analytic – synthetic and explicative; which let us to realize how the planning is developed in this educational institution. All these methods helped us to take a sample, applying a questionnaire to teachers and students formulated to get specific information about the planning process and discuss the problem statement which is represented in graphics, so it was possible to prove the hypothesis through an explicative and descriptive judgment. Finally, as result of the interpretation and logical analysis of the information we have established conclusions based on curriculum planning, didactic unit plan and lesson plan which were formulated from the interpretation and logical analysis about the collected information, so, we have proposed some recommendations to generate an effective learning process.
URI : http://dspace.unl.edu.ec/jspui/handle/123456789/2971
Aparece en las colecciones: Biblioteca FEAC

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