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Título : The classroom management and its influence in the development of the basic english skills of the students at night section of national “Vilcabamba” high school. Period 2009-2010
Autor : Ojeda, Carmen
Abad Alverca, Fabián Alejandro
Ocampo Carpio, Diana Maribel
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Resumen : The classroom Management is a very important point in a class development, because all the teaching learning process is based on it, for that reason the research group has thought necessary to carry out a investigation about “THE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AND ITS INFLUENCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BASIC ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS OF STUDENTS AT NIGHT SECTION OF NATIONAL “VILCABAMBA” HIGH SCHOOL DURING THE PERIOD 2009 - 2010”; which has as goal to determine, how classroom management influences in the development of the basic linguistic skills of the English Language in the students of Night Section at “National Vilcabamba” high school. Period 2009-2010. During the analysis of the theme the research group has realized that this theme is too important into the education of teenagers and in the development and training of teachers. To carry out this research work the group used different methods and technique like: scientific, descriptive, analytic-synthetic methods and the survey technique which helped us to obtain and collect information related to the theme, using this data to note that the teachers have a good classroom management in their lessons, but, they don’t use the audiovisual materials that the institution has to get a good learning acquisition of the Basic Linguistic Skills.
URI : http://dspace.unl.edu.ec/jspui/handle/123456789/2922
Aparece en las colecciones: Biblioteca FEAC

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