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Título : Análisis de los problemas de redacción dentro del área de Lenguaje Y Comunicación en los niños del séptimo año de educación básica de la escuela Miguel Riofrío N° 1 de la Ciudad De Loja, durante el período lectivo 2007-2008. Lineamientos propositivos
Autor : Andrade Maldonado, Enriqueta
Torres Torres, Enith Soledad
Fecha de publicación : 2009
Resumen : Identificar las causas que originan los problemas en la Redacción dentro del Área de Lenguaje y Comunicación de los niños del séptimo Año de Educación Básica de la Escuela Miguel Riofrío N° 1 de la ciudad de Loja. Las técnicas empleadas en este análisis son la bibliográfica que contribuyó para fundamentar teóricamente este trabajo y las encuestas aplicadas a los profesores y alumnos, dotando de los insumos empíricos para la explicación del problema investigado. La población investigada fue de 120 niños y 28 maestros de la misma Escuela las cuales fueron encuestadas en el mes de marzo del 2008. Existe una marcada desmotivación para la lectura tanto del magisterio como de la niñez debido a varios factores, entre otros la despreocupación por este hábito, la injerencia de otras actividades humanas como la televisión que absorbe el mayor tiempo, la falta de ejemplo para los niños, porque en muchos hogares no leen ni el periódico, menos obras literarias que son de mucha ayuda para el desarrollo del espíritu crítico, capacidades lingüísticas, vocabulario, sintaxis, es decir a redactarse aprende leyendo, al no existir tal hábito, es obvio la limitación en la redacción. Proponer a los maestros incluir en el proceso educativo la utilización de una metodología de enseñanza que englobe las operaciones de análisis y síntesis que proporciona la lectura.
Descripción : To edit that learned, it is to write what is thought, to describe what is really observed. This activity invites the students to write its impressions, its feelings, analyzing them according to its formed conception. In general terms this constitutes the writing, a very important element inside the education, little or anything taken into account and that it is always manifested with certain contempt that is a purely literary activity and that editing well, it belongs to them. If the boy is endowed with the capacity of understanding, he will wake up this way in him in a natural way, the expressive sense and it will end up spontaneously being expressed with qualities. The professor's duty, is to develop dexterities in the boy that you/they develop its capacities to be used appropriately mediating the written language that is with ease and correction, using the correct language, manifesting what wants to say exactly and presenting it in an acceptable order as translation of a creative thought, this would be gotten, but it is abused of the typical dictation, to give execution with the plans and study programs. The reading has consisted on the simple one to decipher of graphic signs, isolated of context and he/she has not wakened up the pleasure for the same one. To weigh that people that participated in this investigation showed that the writing is very important and necessary, the same ones indicate that they dedicate him/her little time. If we want the children to have something to edit and that they feel desires of making it, because he/she should train them in observing, to remember, to invent, to imagine, to think, in definitive to develop the capacities intelectivas. And, he/she should become trained to say it correctly, that is to say to edit accurately, tinging as much as it is necessary, with an acceptable order, in a language sensibly different, as for vocabulary and syntax. In the setting in practice the writing, puts at stake a series of knowledge, experiences, abilities and also limitations, from a calligraphic feature that implies psicomotricidad, until grammatical rules and for its on creativity, intelligence, memory, abstract thought, imagination and other psychological elements that it participates in the writing. The intention of the proposal is to outline how to ix introduce the children in this important process of the knowledge, because one doesn't edit to edit, it is written to satisfy necessities, be already these talkative, informative or aesthetic; this impulse to satisfy this necessities. It motivates the boy to undertake in the writing of a text and to make an effort to be made understand. It guided the following objectives: General. To carry out an analysis of the writing problem. Specific: 1. To identify the causes that originate the problems in the writing. 2. To determine the consequences that produce the problems in the writing. 3. To present the limits propositivos to counteract the writing problems. You reached the following conclusions: The causes that originate the problems in the writing are the educational such falencias as the dictation, the lack of the habit to the reading, limited vocabulary, among other. There is desmotivación for the reading as much on the part of the educational ones as of the childhood for several factors. In front of this problem it is recommended to insist in the superación of the different difficulties of the educational national system, implementing other teaching-learning methods that replace the caducos, to overcome the dictation. To develop in a substantial way the habit of the reading, by means of competitions of read book, literary creations, motivating the development of the understanding reader.
URI : http://dspace.unl.edu.ec/jspui/handle/123456789/7927
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestrias FEAC

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