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dc.contributor.advisorCriollo V Marciaen_US
dc.contributor.authorGuaan, Carmen Leopoldina-
dc.contributor.authorCuenca C, Ana del Cisne-
dc.description.abstractThe present work of the investigation titled: Analysis of the Methodology used by the English Teachers to guide the Teaching-Learning Process with the students of “Alejandrino Velasco” and “Julio Ordoñez” Public Elementary Schools of the Loja city. During the School Year 2008 – 2009; has been made with the purpose of finding out which methodology the teachers use in the English teaching learning process. Mainly we have made use of the scientific method as a general one which has helped to find the truth about the researched object and to process the information as particular methodology. We have also used the descriptive, analytical-synthetic and the explicative methods. It is important to point out that the group picked up the information through the instrument of a survey that was applied to the teachers as well to the students. Among the main results of the investigation we found that the teachers use traditional methodology during most of the classes because they translate, teach in the mother tongue and use grammar structures to teach the children and they do not apply specific techniques that let them develop the four basic linguistic skills of the English language in the students. For this reason the students’ knowledge of the language is regular and deficient due to the teachers methodology is not being valid and it is limiting the students’ English Language learning. Consequently we have found that the researched institutions have serious trouble with the methodology that the teachers use in the English class, so that the authorities must carry out a course training for the teachers in the application of suitable methodologies and in this way be able to improve the students’ English Language learning.en_US
dc.titleAnalysis of the methodology used by the english teachers to guide the teaching-learning process with the stduents of “alejandrino velasco” and “julio ordoñez” public elementary schools of the loja city. During the school year 2008 – 2009.en_US
Aparece en las colecciones: Biblioteca FEAC

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