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dc.contributor.advisorReategui Cueva, Gladys Beatriz-
dc.contributor.authorCarrión Guarderas, Génesis Stefania-
dc.descriptionThe present thesis entitled: "NEED TO ADD AS A SOLEMNITY TO CONTRACT MARRIAGE, A JURY DECLARATION, BASED ON ITS STATE OF PHYSICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SEXUAL HEALTH", is closely related considering the high percentage of divorce that exists in the country due to the causes of find the spouses with health problems that knowingly got married without telling the other party that he has a catastrophic illness and considering that there is no cause of divorce due to the intent of a contracting party, that is, in many cases it is not completely known the person with whom you are going to marry, by this I mean if you have genetic compatibility, or if any of the parties has a sexually transmitted disease, psychological illnesses, which in the course of married life are evident, which It leads to marital breakdown and separation of spouses, so they opt for divorce, either by mutual consent or abandonment, which are the grounds for divorce with higher percentages; It is for this reason that I believe that the implementation as solemnity to be able to marry an affidavit that contains the general data of the contracting parties, the state of health, physical, psychological and sexual endorsed by the Ministry of Public Health, in this way the The contracting parties would take conscience and with greater responsibility, honesty and seriousness the marital act fulfilling like this with Art. 66 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador where it establishes the Rights of Freedom, which recognize and guarantee the people in the numeral 9: "The right to make free, informed and voluntary decisions about their 5 sexuality, their life and sexual orientation. The State will promote access to the necessary means for these decisions to be made in safe conditions. In this way, it is evident that such an important right is being violated, since currently the people who are going to marry only care about themselves, about the love they feel for each other, but it is important that we focus on the marriage going Beyond love, since the couple is going to form a family, which is the fundamental core of our society and as such we must protect it, since it is ending with the marriage contract that is so valuable for not taking precautions necessary before contracting it. Likewise materials and methods were applied to develop the present investigation and interviews and surveys were also conducted, which have helped me to propose a project of legal reform to the Civil Code, on the solemnities to get married and the need to add a sworn statement, based on the state of physical, psychological and sexual health of the parties.es_ES
dc.description.abstractLa presente tesis titulada: “NECESIDAD DE AGREGAR COMO SOLEMNIDAD PARA CONTRAER MATRIMONIO, UNA DECLARACIÓN JURAMENTADA, BASADA EN SU ESTADO DE SALUD FÍSICO, PSICOLÓGICO Y SEXUAL”, el presente trabajo investigativo, es de imperiosa revisión, dado el elevado porcentaje de divorcios que existen en el país, esto debido a causas de salud, la problemática radica en que, uno de los contrayentes oculta que padece de alguna enfermedad ya sea: física, psicológica o sexual y, considerando que no existe causal de divorcio por este acto doloso que involucra un quebrantamiento del vínculo matrimonial, es importante que se eleve el debate sobre esta problemática social. Por esta razón, he creído pertinente la implementación como solemnidad para poder contraer matrimonio una declaración juramentada que contenga los datos generales de los contrayentes, el estado de salud, físico, psicológico y sexual, avalados por el Ministerio de Salud Pública, de esta manera los contrayentes tomarían con mayor responsabilidad el contrato matrimonial, cumpliendo así con el artículo 66, numeral 9, de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador, donde se establecen los Derechos de Libertad, los cuales reconocen y garantizan a las personas, el derecho a tomar decisiones libres, informadas voluntarias y responsables sobre su sexualidad, su vida y orientación sexual. Asimismo, el Estado promoverá el acceso a los medios necesarios para que estas decisiones se den en condiciones seguras. 3 Por lo expuesto, es evidente que se está poniendo en riesgo la formación integral de una familia en todos los aspectos que ello implica. También hay que dejar claro que, no se pretende impedir matrimonios por malas circunstancias de salud, porque al final de todo, son derechos personalísimos y cada quien decidirá sobre sí; pero, es trascendental dejar las reglas del juego claras previo a realizar el matrónimo, debido a que los contrayentes van a formar una familia, la cual es el núcleo fundamental de nuestra sociedad y, como tal, debemos protegerla, más aún al ser una responsabilidad compartida. El acopio investigativo recogido en el presente trabajo, materiales, métodos, entrevistas y encuestas, me han servido para plantear un proyecto de reforma legal al Código Civil, sobre las solemnidades para contraer matrimonio y la necesidad de agregar una declaración juramentada, basada en el estado de salud físico, psicológico y sexual de los contrayentes.es_ES
dc.format.extent164 p.es_ES
dc.publisherLoja, 11 de diciembrees_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJOS DE TITULACION FJSA

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