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dc.contributor.advisorAguirre Valdivieso, Gonzalo-
dc.contributor.authorCáceres Ayala, Sócrates-
dc.descriptionIn the juridical mark of the Ecuador, the new laws that have been sent by the Honorable National Congress of the Ecuador, in some or another way have contributed to the development of the national economy but with certain limitations that have generated artificial insecurity and in most of cases they have put in risk the fundamental rights of people. However some of these laws have as positive aspect the creation of new juridical institutions that you/they allow natural and juridical people to be able to generate working sources and to be able to obtain utilities and earnings for the sustainable development of the society and the nation. In this reach the new Law of Unipersonal Companies of Limited Responsibility allows the creation of a new modality of Company denominated by the same Law like Unipersonal Company of Limited Responsibility, in which a person that enjoys the artificial capacity settled down in the Laws can constitute this type of Unipersonal Companies, beginning her activity with a single person until the culmination of the same one, this person is known with Proprietary Manager's name. And in the same law it is pointed out that this company type will be able to intervene in any mercantile operation except of the forbidden ones for the Laws. Reason why this company type comes to contribute to the invigoration of the economy and to generate new forms of people's participation in the productive apparatus of the State. However the unipersonal company of limited responsibility created by the Law of Unipersonal Companies of Limited Responsibility lacks the vital and clear norms that allow that the Unipersonal Companies are controlled and investigated by the Superintendence of Companies in the economic, juridical and association environment and inclusive, as for the one it processes of approval and inscription is decreed and accepted reason why by the judges of the civil thing of the main home of the company that it consists in the constituent act of the company, he/she becomes a problem of artificial significance, since when not being approved by the Superintendence of Companies, alone it is forced to the tributary environment - accountant. . With these basic principles the prevailing necessity that Unipersonal the Companies of limited Responsibility plows approved i born and inscriptas for the Superintendecia of Companies so that I/you/they dog be exercised the control and pertinent inspection to have the character of personalist and with the objective of harmonizing the legal dispositions of the Law of Companies and of the Law unipersonal of Companieses_ES
dc.description.abstractLas empresas unipersonales de responsabilidad limitada se constituyen con una sola persona conocida como Gerente Propietario, quien es el dueño de la empresa y representante legal, mismo que debe solicitar la aprobación e inscripción de este tipo de sociedades ante uno de los Jueces de lo Civil del domicilio donde fue creada la empresa. Para las actividades económicas, financieras y jurídicas la Ley de Empresas Unipersonales de Responsabilidad Limitada tipifica que su actividad será reglada conforme a la Ley y que no estará sujeta a ningún control total o parcial por parte de la Superintendencia de Compañías. Al no existir un organismo de control externo que genere los efectos jurídicos validos para el funcionamiento y control de las Empresas Unipersonales de Responsabilidad Limitada se está permitiendo que sus actividades económicas y financieras no cuenten con el debido seguimiento y vigilancia de un organismo externo que garantice la debida funcionabilidad de la empresa, protegiendo los actos mercantiles o comerciales que otras compañías o personas naturales efectúan con la prenombrada Empresa Unipersonal de Responsabilidad Limitada para evitar actos dolosos o reñidos con la moral que atente contra el sistema financiero de terceras personas. Por lo tanto, considero que la Superintendencia de Compañías como el máximo organismo de control de las compañías en el Ecuador debe efectuar el seguimiento, vigilancia y control económico, jurídico y financiero de este tipo de empresas para garantizar un desarrollo efectivo de las actividades mercantiles en el marco jurídico del Ecuador.es_ES
dc.format.extent104 p.es_ES
dc.titleInconvenientes jurídicos para el control y fiscalización de las empresas unipersonales de responsabilidad limitada y su necesidad de reformaes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: UED

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